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Student of the Week

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Starting with the week of October 4, 2013, we began a new program honoring Mrs. Ohlman, who was the principal of Marquette Elementary School during 1966-1985.  One student in our school is chosen to be “Student of the Week”.  The student is chosen by their teacher. Each week, a different class and grade has the honor of selecting one student.  The student will have their picture taken and placed in the plaque in the front foyer.

We are so excited that Leo was chosen as our next "Golden Rule Student of the Week"! Here is what Mrs. Davila had to say about him...

Marquette Tigers, Listen up!  I was up all night last night.  That's right!  No sleep for me!  Do you want to know why?!  Because it was my turn to pick a student of the week.  And let me tell you something...I have so many great students in my class that it was such a hard decision!!  They are all just SOOOO amazing!!!!

But there is this one boy who has been working extra hard.  

This student actually ASKS ME FOR EXTRA HOMEWORK and does it all!

He does all the things I ask him to do in class and more!

He more than doubled his AR goal last quarter.

He's on track to do the same thing again this quarter.

Even when he thinks I'm not looking, he's making good choices.

On top of all of those things, he is a great friend and kind to his teachers too.

So my choice for student of the week is....


Congratulations Leo!!

We are so excited that Jackson was chosen as our next "Golden Rule Student of the Week"! Here is what Miss Jackson had to say about him..

It's that time again in 1J. Student of the week and I know just who to pick. This student has had quite the year in first grade. It started out rough and it was a tough start for the both of us but now this student has been doing AMAZING and he is finishing first grade being the absolute best he can be. He completely has turned his year around. He listens, he gets his work done, he is very polite, and he absolutely loves to draw. He is also a Zelda expert! I couldn't be more proud of this student and how he is doing and that is why my  student of the week pick is Jackson! Congratulations buddy, keep up the excellent work!!!:)

We are so excited that Gavin was chosen as our next "Golden Rule Student of the Week"! Here is what Mrs. Russell had to say about him...

It’s that time again to choose a student of the week, and I have the perfect person in mind. This student goes above and beyond each day, and is a great example for their classmates. This bright, young man makes my job so easy! He is always respectful, responsible, and ready to learn. He is creative, kind, and such a hard worker! He has a love for animals (especially penguins), reading, and all things, Pokémon. Gavin, you are the student of the week. Keep up the good work buddy, you are going to do so many great things! 


We are so excited that Riyn was chosen as our next "Golden Rule Student of the Week"! Here is what Mrs. Jones had to say about her...

I am so excited that it is my turn to pick the student of the week this time! It was truly such a hard decision to make but my student of the week is someone that has made so
much growth this year not only academically but has grown into becoming
a brave and nice friend to all of the kids in our classroom. This girl was
extremely shy at the beginning of the year but came out of her shell not
long after and made so many friends in class. She is someone that is
always listening and following the rules at school, is always respectful and
tries her best at everything she does. She is truly the sweetest girl and
always wants to show me she is ready to learn and work hard. On top of
that, she is a great friend, helper and leader in the classroom.
Congratulations Riyn as you are student of the week!

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