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North Pekin - Marquette Heights School District #102


A board meeting is a business meeting that is conducted in public, pursuant to the Open Meetings Act.  It is not intended as an open forum.  Individuals wishing to address the board are afforded an opportunity to do so as a regular part of the agenda.  Annually, the Board is required to adopt a schedule of regular meeting dates.  Meetings of the Board of Education are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Exceptions to the schedule may occur due to legal holidays or scheduling conflicts.


Prior to each regular meeting of the Board of Education, the Superintendent, in consultation with the Board President, prepares an agenda, which includes matters requested by the Superintendent and/or Board.  A copy of the agenda is provided to each board member prior to the meeting.  Frequently, in-depth materials are included for study.  Members are encouraged to communicate with the Superintendent, prior to the meeting, to clarify items or ask questions.  It is often true that the discussion of an agenda item during the meeting will not reflect the amount of time, study, questioning and consideration that has taken place.  When necessary, the Board of Education may meet in closed session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act.  Items discussed during closed session are limited to those delineated by the Open Meetings Act. Due to the sensitivity of such items, information presented in closed session is not to be shared with the public.


The Board of Education acts officially only as a committee of the whole.  The Board holds regular meetings to conduct the business of the district.  Among the powers and duties of the Board are to approve a budget, hire a superintendent, acquire or sell property, award bids, employ and evaluate personnel, appraise the effectiveness of the instructional program, approve textbooks and to make and enforce rules for management of the school district which are deemed proper and necessary.  School board members, as individuals have no authority over school affairs.  The Board has authority only when acting as a body duly called into session.

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